ADER 1990-92
ADER 2000-02
ADER 2011-13
MDER 1990-92
MDER 2000-02
MDER 2011-13
ADER = Average Dietary Energy Requirement | MDER = Minimum Dietary Energy Requirement
Dietary Energy Requirement (kcal/capita/day)
above 2500
2400 - 2499
2300 - 2399
2200 - 2299
2100 - 2199
2000 - 2099
1900 - 1999
1800 - 1899
below 1800
no data
The author Max Roser licensed this visualisation under a
CC BY-SA license
. You are welcome to share but please refer to its source where you
find more information:
Data source: FAO
Dietary Energy Requirement (kcal/capita/day) - MDER 2011-13