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Drivers of recovery in European bird populations

The number of European bird species that have seen a significant recovery in their populations in recent decades, categorized by the main driver of their recovery.

0 species2 species4 species6 species8 species10 speciesHabitat restoration10 speciesReintroduction9 speciesSite/habitat protection8 speciesProtection from shooting8 speciesCompensation/subsidies6 speciesHabitat shift5 speciesAnti-poisoning campaigns5 speciesSupplementary feeding4 speciesImproved climate3 speciesBan on organochlorines2 speciesControl of problematic species2 species

Source: Deinet, S., Ieronymidou, C., McRae, L., Burfield, I.J., Foppen, R.P., Collen, B. and Böhm, M. (2013) Wildlife comeback in Europe: The recovery of selected mammal and bird species.