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Freshwater use per kilogram of farmed seafood

Based on a meta-analysis that includes data from 1690 fish farms. This is given per kilogram of edible weight. Chicken – the lowest-impact meat – is shown for

0 m³2 m³4 m³6 m³8 m³Silver/bighead (farmed)9.28 m³Carp (farmed)3.52 m³Catfish (farmed)2.09 m³Tilapia (farmed)1.23 m³Chicken0.45 m³Other marine fish (farmed)0.4 m³Other freshwater fish (farmed)0.36 m³Milkfish (farmed)0.28 m³Shrimp (farmed)0.22 m³Salmon (farmed)0.16 m³Trout (farmed)0.11 m³Bivalves (farmed)0 m³Seaweed (farmed)0 m³