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Cancer death rates by type, World, 1990 to 2017

The number of deaths from different types of cancer per 100,000 individuals.
To allow comparisons between countries and over time this metric is age-standardized.

1990201719952000200520102015Breast cancerPancreatic cancerBrain and nervous system cancerLip and oral cavity cancerColon and rectum cancerGallbladder and biliary tract cancerLiver cancerLarynx cancerOvarian cancerThyroid cancerUterine cancerBladder cancerCervical cancerKidney cancerStomach cancerNasopharynx cancerTesticular cancerOther pharynx cancerEsophageal cancerNon-melanoma skin cancerTracheal, bronchus, and lung cancerProstate cancer

Source: IHME, Global Burden of Disease (GBD)