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Distribution of population between different poverty thresholds, World, 1981 to 2017

All figures are adjusted to account for inflation and price differences across countries, and are expressed in international dollars at 2011 prices.

1981201719851990199520002005201020 - 30$ a day10 - 20$ a day5.50 - 10$ a day3.20 - 5.50$ aday1.9 - 3.20$ a day1 - 1.90$ a daybelow 1$ a dayabove 30$ a day

Source: World Bank, PovcalNet (2021)

Note: Consumption per capita is the preferred welfare indicator for the World Bank’s analysis of global poverty. However, for a number of countries poverty is measured in terms of income. An income
basis is common amongst high income countries and Latin American countries.