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Grocery bag comparisons for greenhouse gas emissions

Number of times a given grocery bag type would have to be reused to have as low greenhouse gas emissions as a standard single-use plastic bag (LDPE;
Low-density polyethylene). Greenhouse gas emissions for each material type were measured over a full life-cycle analysis (LCA). A value of 5 would indicate a given
bag type would have to be reused 5 times to have as low a greenhouse gas footprint as a standard plastic bag.

0 reuses20 reuses40 reuses60 reuses80 reuses100 reuses120 reuses140 reusesOrganic cotton149 reusesConventional cotton52 reusesComposite23 reusesRecycled PET8 reusesPolypropylene, non-woven, recycled6 reusesPolypropylene, woven, recycled5 reusesPolyester PET, recycled2 reusesBleached paper1 reusesUnbleached paper0 reusesBiopolymer0 reuses

Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency (2018)