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Prevalence of measles in children vs. share of people who disagree vaccines are effective, 2017

Number of children with measles per 100,000 children under five years old. This is shown against the share of respondents who disagree that vaccines are effective.

Share of people who disagree vaccines are effective in 20195%10%15%20%25%MeaslesprevalenceinchildrenAfghanistanAfghanistanAlbaniaAlbaniaAlgeriaAlgeriaArmeniaArmeniaAustraliaAustraliaAustriaAustriaBeninBeninEgyptEgyptFranceFranceHaitiHaitiItalyItalyLiberiaLiberiaNamibiaNamibiaAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth AmericaNo data

Source: Wellcome Trust Global Monitor (2019)