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Number of people with cancer by type, World, 2017

Total number of people suffering from cancer at any given time, differentiated by cancer type. This is measured across both sexes and all ages.

02 million4 million6 million8 million10 million12 million14 million16 millionBreast cancer16.7 millionProstate cancer9.9 millionColon & rectum cancer9.35 millionCervical cancer3.66 millionTracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer3.34 millionUterine cancer3.08 millionStomach cancer2.82 millionBladder cancer2.63 millionNon-melanoma skin cancer2.54 millionKidney cancer2.18 millionThyroid cancer2.14 millionBrain & nervous system cancer1.71 millionLip & oral cancer1.63 millionOvarian cancer1.35 millionLarynx cancer1.09 millionEsophageal cancer806,327Liver cancer803,401Testicular cancer577,984Nasopharynx cancer508,694Pancreatic cancer380,582Gallbladder & biliary tract cancer235,886

Source: IHME, Global Burden of Disease