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p90 vs p10 of income/consumption distribution: Average annual change

Change in the level of income/consumption per day that marks the cut-off point of the bottom 10% and top 10% of the distribution. Figures refer to average annual
growth between the first and last available observations for each country. For some countries both income and consumption figures are shown.

Average annual change in p10 of income/consumption distribution-5%+0%+5%+10%+15%Averageannualchangeinp90ofincome/consumptiondistribution Equal growth Equal growthAustralia (inc)Australia (inc)China (Rural) (inc)China (Rural) (inc)Thailand (cons)Thailand (cons)Venezuela (inc)Venezuela (inc)Rwanda (cons)Rwanda (cons)Peru (cons)Peru (cons)Panama (inc)Panama (inc)Guinea (cons)Guinea (cons)Advanced industrial economiesEast Asia and PacificEastern Europe and Central AsiaLatin America and CaribbeanMiddle East and North AfricaSouth AsiaSub-Saharan Africa

Source: Our World in Data based on PovcalNet (2019)