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Per capita renewable freshwater resources, 2015

Average renewable freshwater resources per person, measured in cubic metres per person per year. Renewable internal freshwater resources refers to the quantity of
internal freshwater from inflowing river basins and recharging groundwater aquifers.

0 m³5,000 m³10,000 m³15,000 m³20,000 m³25,000 m³30,000 m³South America30,428 m³Oceania29,225 m³Eastern Europe21,383 m³North America12,537 m³Central America and Caribbean8,397 m³Western & Central Europe4,006 m³Sub-Saharan Africa3,879 m³Central Asia2,420 m³East Asia2,115 m³Middle East1,444 m³South Asia1,131 m³Northern Africa256 m³