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Plastic ocean input from top 20 rivers, 2015

Plastic input to the ocean from the top 20 polluting rivers across the world. Shown is the given river, its location, and estimated annual input of plastic to the oceans in

0 tonnes100,000 tonnes200,000 tonnes300,000 tonnesYangtze (China)333,000 tonnesGanges (India, Bangladesh)115,000 tonnesXi (China)73,900 tonnesHuangpu (China)40,800 tonnesCross (Nigeria, Cameroon)40,300 tonnesBrantas (Indonesia)38,900 tonnesAmazon (Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador)38,900 tonnesPasig (Philippines)38,800 tonnesIrrawaddy (Myanmar)35,300 tonnesSolo (Indonesia)32,500 tonnesMekong (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, China, Myanmar, Vietnam)22,800 tonnesImo (Nigeria)21,500 tonnesDong (China)19,100 tonnesSerayu (Indonesia)17,100 tonnesMagdalena (Colombia)16,700 tonnesTamsui (Taiwan)14,700 tonnesZhujiang (China)13,600 tonnesHanjiang (China)12,900 tonnesProgo (Indonesia)12,800 tonnesKwa Ibo (Nigeria)11,900 tonnes

Source: Lebreton et al. (2017)