Updated daily
View our work on COVID-19 vaccinationsPrevalence of cysticercosis, 2017
Number of people who have cysticercosis per 100,000 in a population.
Cysticercosis is a parasitic tissue infection of tissues (including brain and muscle tissue) caused by larval cysts of the pork tapeworm that can cause seizures.
All our related research and data
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- Deaths caused by smallpox as a share of all deaths in London
- Deaths from infections of currently non-eradicable diseases
- Deaths from malaria, by age
- Decade in which smallpox ceased to be endemic by country
- Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis
- Global incidence and prevalence of tuberculosis
- Global number of reported Guinea worm cases
- Incidence of malaria
- Incidence, prevalence and death of rabies
- Malaria deaths by world region
- Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis without extensive drug resistance
- Number of new cases of HIV
- Polio cases by world region
- Prevalence, new cases and deaths from HIV/AIDS
- Progress towards Guinea worm eradication: WHO certification
- Reported cases of guinea worm disease
- Reported number of smallpox infections by world region
- The number of cases of infectious diseases
- The number of deaths due to tuberculosis by WHO and IHME data
- The number of deaths from HIV/AIDS by world region
- The number of deaths from rabies by world region
- The number of deaths from tuberculosis by world region
- The number of infections from eradicable diseases
- Yaws status of endemicity and number of cases
- Year of the last reported Rinderpest case