Updated daily
View our work on COVID-19 vaccinationsPrevalence of Polio Rates in the United States
The reported rates are per 100,000 US population and include both wild- and vaccine-derived type polio infections that occurred indigenously and as imported cases.
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All our related research and data
- Paralytic polio cases globally: Difference between the reported and the estimated true total number
- Polio cases by world region
- Polio: Rate of cases vs vaccination coverage
- Progress towards polio eradication: Endemic countries and polio-free countries
- Reported paralytic polio cases (per 1 million people)
- Reported paralytic polio cases and deaths
- Share of one-year-olds vaccinated against polio (Pol3)
- The decade of the last recorded case of paralytic polio by country
- The number of reported paralytic polio cases
- The number of reported paralytic polio cases by world region