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Share of alcohol in total household consumption, 2010

Figure illustrates household expenditure on beer, wine, and spirits (in $PPP) as a share of total consumption. The data comes from surveys conducted between 2000
and 2010. The database draws on a variety of country surveys which differ in design, methodology, and year conducted. Cross-country comparisons should be made
with caution.

0%0.2%0.4%0.6%0.8%1%1.2%1.4%1.6%Latvia1.77%Russia1.54%Liberia1.27%Congo1.07%Thailand0.93%Armenia0.83%Ethiopia0.81%Colombia0.78%South Africa0.58%Senegal0.52%Cote d'Ivoire0.47%Nigeria0.45%Brazil0.4%Peru0.21%Mexico0.2%Indonesia0.05%Egypt<0.01%Pakistan0%Afghanistan0%Bangladesh0%