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Share of drinkers who "binged" on heaviest day of drinking in last week, United Kingdom, 2005 to 2016

Share of drinkers who "binged" on their heaviest day of drinking in the last week. "Binge" drinking is defined as a man consuming more than 8 units of alcohol in a
single day, or 6 units of alcohol in a single day in the case of a woman.

2005201620062008201020122014Males (25 to 44)Males (45 to 64)Males (65 and over)Males (All aged 16+)Females (16 to 24)Females (25 to 44)Females (45 to 64)Females (65 and over)Females (All aged 16+)Males (16 to 24)

Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS)