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Share of low-pay earners who are female vs GDP per capita, 2015

The vertical axis shows the share of low-pay earners who are female, where 'low pay earners' are those at the bottom of the hourly earnings distribution (specifically,
below two-thirds of median hourly earnings). The horizontal axis shows GDP per capita, after adjusting for differences in price levels across countries.

GDP per capita$10,000$5,000$20,000$50,000Femaleshareoflowpayearners(%)PhilippinesPhilippinesGermanyGermanyFranceFranceColombiaColombiaPolandPolandCameroonCameroonSwitzerlandSwitzerlandIsraelIsraelCosta RicaCosta RicaAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America

Source: ILOSTAT, Data compiled from multiple sources by World Bank