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Share of students achieving no or minimum learning outcomes by total education expenditure per capita

Total education expenditure encompasses both governmental and household spending on education. Achievement outcomes come from standardized,
psychometrically-robust international and regional tests. In order to maximize coverage, the most recent available data were used for both the learning outcomes and
expenditure data.

Public and private per capita expenditure on education (PPP, constant 2011-intl $)$100$1,000$200$500$2,000Shareofstudentsreachingnoorminimumachievementonly(2005-2015)MexicoMexicoItalyItalyFranceFranceIndonesiaIndonesiaColombiaColombiaCzechiaCzechiaPolandPolandUkraineUkraineBeninBeninVietnamVietnamBelgiumBelgiumCameroonCameroonPalestinePalestineUgandaUgandaAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America

Source: Angrist et al. (2019), UNESCO (2019) and World Bank (2019)