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View our work on COVID-19 vaccinationsShare of the population with secondary education, but no tertiary education, 2010
Percentage of population, 25 years and older, with either incomplete or completed secondary education.
All our related research and data
- Attendance vs enrolment rates, primary education
- Completion rate of lower secondary education
- Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education
- Existence of nationally representative learning assessment in grades 2 or 3 of primary education
- Girls of primary school age who are out-of-school, by world region
- Government expenditure on primary education by country
- Government expenditure on secondary education by country, 1974-2014
- Gross enrollment ratio in primary education
- Gross enrollment ratio in secondary education
- Gross enrolment ratio, primary, gender parity index (GPI)
- Gross enrolment ratio, secondary education, gender parity index (GPI)
- Gross vs. net enrollment rate in primary education
- Is primary enrolment data available in the Global Education Monitoring Report 2018?
- MDG2.A: Net enrolment rate in primary education
- Net enrolment rate, primary, gender parity index (GPI)
- Net enrolment rate, secondary, gender parity index (GPI)
- Official entrance age to compulsory education
- Out-of-school children of primary school age by world region
- Percentage of primary schools with access to potable water
- Percentage of primary schools with toilets
- Percentage of pupils in grades 2/3 achieving at least a minimum proficiency in reading
- Percentage of teachers in lower secondary education who are qualified
- Percentage of teachers in primary education who are qualified
- Percentage of teachers in secondary education who are qualified
- Percentage of teachers in upper secondary education who are qualified
- Primary completion rate
- Primary completion rate
- Primary completion rate, gender parity index (GPI)
- Primary education spending as share of all education levels vs. Overall education spending as share of all public spending sectors
- Primary school completion rate
- Primary school enrolment
- Primary schooling: Adjusted net attendance rate
- School life expectancy, primary, gender parity index (GPI)
- Share enrolled in private institutions at the primary education level
- Share of primary-school-age children who are out of school
- Share of students at end of lower secondary education achieving minimum maths proficiency, 2010-2015
- Share of students at end of lower secondary education achieving minimum reading proficiency, 2010-2015
- Share of students at end of primary education achieving minimum maths proficiency, 2010-2015
- Share of students at end of primary education achieving minimum reading proficiency, 2010-2015
- Share of students in early primary education achieving minimum maths proficiency, 2010-2015
- Share of students in early primary education achieving minimum reading proficiency, 2010-2015
- Share of the population with at least some secondary education
- Total net enrollment rate in primary education
- Total net enrollment rate in primary education by sex
- Total net enrolment rate, primary, gender parity index (GPI)