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Water requirement per tonne of food product

Global average water footprint of food production, which includes water requirements across its full supply chain and the quantity of freshwater pollution as a result of

0 m³2,000 m³4,000 m³6,000 m³8,000 m³10,000 m³12,000 m³14,000 m³Beef15,415 m³Nuts9,063 m³Sheep/goat meat8,763 m³Pigmeat5,988 m³Butter5,553 m³Chicken meat4,325 m³Pulses4,055 m³Eggs3,265 m³Oil crops2,364 m³Cereals1,644 m³Milk1,020 m³Fruits962 m³Starchy roots387 m³Vegetables322 m³Sugar crops197 m³