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What we have done in the last 6 months

With a new year ahead it is a good time to look back at our work in the last months.


These were the highlights for me:


  • Thanks to Jaiden Mispy, who also joined in 2016, the web-framework of our publication got much better.

Most importantly he redesigned the OWID-grapher, the presentations and the WordPress theme. Speed is improved and he managed to make the page useful on mobile phones and tablets.

He set up proper caching (through  Cloudflare) so that the site can serve thousands of people and still be fast. And he made a series of stability improvements, bugfixes and small feature additions to interactive visualizations.

Jaiden is already working on further improvements, currently he is working on labelled timeline scatterplots.


  • We were very happy that in the new academic year many used our material for teaching. We saw that the page got accessed at many universities, and we got very nice feedback from students and lecturers.
  • I collaborated with the team from ‘Kurz Gesagt’ to make a video on population growth.
  • We launched AfricaInData.org – a short presentation on how Africa is changing.


I am very much looking forward to the work on Our World in Data in 2017! If you have requests and ideas let us know – there is a feedback option below or just send us an email.

Big thanks to Jaiden and Esteban for their work! It is great working in a team!

And big thanks to all of you who donated! It was only thanks to your support that we could continue working on Our World In Data.