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View our work on COVID-19 vaccinationsNumber of enrolled children in pre-primary education, 1970 to 2014
Total number of students enrolled in public and private pre-primary education institutions (ISCED 0.2) regardless of age. Within ISCED 0, early childhood educational
development programmes are targeted at children aged 0 to 2 years; and pre-primary education programmes are targeted at children aged 3 years until the age to
start ISCED 1.
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All our related research and data
- Duration of pre-primary education
- Gender gap in pre-primary education: Share of students in pre-primary education who are female
- Government expenditure on pre-primary education as share of GDP
- Gross enrollment ratio in pre-primary education
- Gross vs. net enrollment rate in pre-primary education
- Hours per week spent on child care, United States
- Net enrolment rate, boys vs. girls in pre-primary education
- Net enrolment rate, pre-primary, both sexes
- Official entrance age to pre-primary education
- Percentage of teachers in pre-primary education who are qualified
- Pupil-teacher ratio in pre-primary education
- Pupil-teacher ratio in pre-primary education
- School life expectancy at the pre-primary education level
- School life expectancy of boys and girls at the pre-primary education level
- Share enrolled in private institutions at the pre-primary education level
- Share of teachers in pre-primary education who are trained