Updated daily
View our work on COVID-19 vaccinations

Our complete COVID-19 dataset is a collection of the COVID-19 data maintained by Our World in Data. It is updated daily and includes data on confirmed cases, deaths, and testing.

All our data can be downloaded.

You find the complete Our World in Data COVID-19 dataset—together with a complete overview of our sources and moreat our GitHub repository here.

Deaths and cases: our data source

Our World in Data relies on data from Johns Hopkins University

In this document, the many linked charts, our COVID-19 Data Explorer, and the Complete COVID-19 dataset we report and visualize the data on confirmed cases and deaths from Johns Hopkins University (JHU). We make the data used in our charts and tables downloadable as a complete and structured .csv, .xlsx and json file here on our GitHub site.

The Johns Hopkins University dashboard and dataset is maintained by a team at its Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE). It has been publishing updates on confirmed cases and deaths for all countries since January 22, 2020. A feature on the JHU dashboard and dataset was published in The Lancet in early May 2020.1 This has allowed millions of people across the world to track the course and evolution of the pandemic.

JHU updates its data multiple times each day. This data is sourced from governments, national and subnational agencies across the world — a full list of data sources for each country is published on Johns Hopkins GitHub site. It also makes its data publicly available there.

Note that on November 30, Our World in Data transitioned from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to Johns Hopkins University as our source for confirmed cases and deaths. This followed the ECDC’s announcement that they were switching from daily to weekly updates. More information on this change can be found here.

Testing: the Our World in Data testing database

Testing data is collected by Our World in Data by browsing public information from official sources. We rely on figures published on official websites, in press releases and by social media accounts of national authorities—usually governments, ministries of health, or centres for disease control.

Our testing dataset is entirely replicable: