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Child mortality vs. women's average years of schooling, 2010

The child mortality rate is the share of children who die before reaching the age of five.

Average years of schooling of women in the reproductive age bracket (15 to 49)0 years2 years4 years6 years8 years10 years12 years14 yearsChildmortalityChinaChinaIndiaIndiaUnited StatesUnited StatesPakistanPakistanBangladeshBangladeshRussiaRussiaMexicoMexicoVietnamVietnamIranIranItalyItalySouth AfricaSouth AfricaMoroccoMoroccoAfghanistanAfghanistanNigerNigerBeninBeninAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America