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Income inequality and growth across OECD European regions, 2012

Each dot on this graph is a different sub-national region within Europe (France, for example, is divided in 22 different regions). The vertical axis measures the average
annual growth rate of GDP per capita in the period 2008-2012, and the horizontal axis measures inequality in 2007 (Gini coefficients - higher values reflect more

OECD Subnational Gini Coefficients in 20072224262830323436AverageannualgrowthrateofGDPpercapitaBE1BE1BE2BE2BE3BE3CZ01CZ01CZ02CZ02CZ04CZ04CZ06CZ06CZ07CZ07CZ08CZ08EE00EE00ES11ES11ES23ES23ES30ES30ES41ES41ES53ES53ES64ES64FR21FR21FR22FR22FR42FR42GR3GR3ITF3ITF3