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- World Population Growth
- The map we need if we want to think about how global living conditions are changing
- Which countries are most densely populated?
- Absolute increase in global population per year
- Age dependency ratio projections
- Annual number of births by world region
- Annual number of deaths by world region
- Birth rate vs. death rate
- Child mortality rate vs population growth
- Children per woman
- Children per woman vs population growth
- Completeness of birth registration
- Completeness of death reporting
- Crude death rate: the share of the population that dies per year
- Global and regional population estimates (US Census Bureau vs. UN)
- Historic and projected population
- Historical world population: comparison of different sources
- Natural population growthUN (1950 to 2100)
- PopulationGapminder & UN (since 1800)
- Population and projected growth (total population and under 5)
- Population by age bracket with UN projections
- Population by broad age group
- Population by broad age group projected to 2100
- Population by countryClio Infra (1500 to 2000)
- Population density
- Population growth by world region: The annual change of the population
- Population growth rateUN (1950 to 2100)
- Population growth rate by level of development
- Population growth rate vs Child mortality rate
- Population growth rate vs. median age
- Population growth rate with and without migration
- Population growth vs child mortality
- Population growth: The annual change of the populationUN (1950 to 2100)
- Population of all world regions, including the UN projection
- Population under five years old
- Rate of natural population increaseUN
- Size of young, working age and elderly populations
- Size of young, working-age and elderly populations
- The Demographic Transition
- The Demographic Transition: Decline of the death rate followed by a decline of the birth rate
- The total fertility rate by world region including the UN projections
- World population by regionHYDE (1820 to 2019)