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View our work on COVID-19 vaccinationsGDP per capita in international and market dollars, India, 1990 to 2020
International dollars use purchase power parity conversion rates from 2017, in order to account for differences in prices levels. Market dollars use currency market
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All our related research and data
- Comparison of extreme poverty estimates, Povcal vs Bradshaw & Mayhew (2011)
- Data deprivation: number of poverty surveys per decade available via the World Bank
- Disposable household income: The income cutoff to the poorest decile vs Mean income
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholds2021 Povcal data
- Extreme poverty rate vs. poverty gap
- GDP per capitaWorld Bank (since 1990)
- How does the international poverty line compare to multidimensional poverty?
- MDG1.A: Share of population in extreme poverty (less than $1.25 per day)
- National poverty lines vs. GDP per capita
- Population in non-rich countries by per capita household income
- Population living in extreme poverty
- Poverty gap index at 1.90 int.-$ per day
- Poverty headcount ratio (Povcal vs. WDI)
- Poverty vs. Life expectancy
- Poverty vs. educational attainment
- Poverty: Share living on less than 3.20 int.-$ per day
- Projected number of people in extreme poverty, by regionCrespo-Cuaresma et al. (2015 to 2030)
- Projected share of the population in extreme poverty
- Reconstruction of historical global extreme poverty rates
- Share in poverty relative to different poverty thresholds
- Share of global population living in extreme poverty including and excluding China
- Share of people living in extreme povertyEuropean countries (Bradshaw and Mayhew, 2011)
- Share of population in extreme poverty
- Share of population living in multidimensional poverty
- Share of population living under different poverty thresholds
- Share of population living with less than 1.90$ and 3.20$ per day
- The global poverty gap, in international-$
- The poverty gap, in international-$
- The share of people living in extreme poverty vs GDP per capita
- The share of people living in extreme poverty, high-income countries
- Total number of people in extreme poverty
- Total population living in extreme poverty by world regionPovcalNet, World Bank (1987 to 2013)
- World population living in extreme povertyWB & Bourguignon and Morrisson (Absolute; 1820-2015)
- Yearly cost of closing the global poverty gap (million int-$)