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Multidimensional poverty rate0%20%40%60%80%MonetarypovertyrateChinaChinaIndonesiaIndonesiaPakistanPakistanNigeriaNigeriaEthiopiaEthiopiaTanzaniaTanzaniaKenyaKenyaAlgeriaAlgeriaIraqIraqGhanaGhanaNepalNepalCote d'IvoireCote d'IvoireMaliMaliHaitiHaitiBurundiBurundiLiberiaLiberiaAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America

Source: PovCal (2021), OPHI Multidimensional Poverty Index - Alkire and Robles (2016)

Note: Multidimensional poverty is based on the Multidimensional Poverty Index, weighing ten indicators of deprivation in the context of education, health and living standards. Individuals are considered
poor if deprived in at least one third of the weighted indicators. The $1.90 poverty line is in international dollars adjusting for price differences between countries and for price changes over time (inflation).