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View our work on COVID-19 vaccinationsGrocery bag comparisons of environmental impact
Number of times a given grocery bag type would have to be reused to have as low an environmental impact as a standard single-use plastic bag (LDPE; Low-density
All our related research and data
- Cumulative displaced plastic waste as a result of Chinese import ban
- Cumulative global plastics production
- Cumulative plastic exports by top ten exporters
- Cumulative recycled plastic export value by top ten exporters
- Decomposition rates of marine debris items
- Extrapolated change in plastic fate to 2050
- Global mismanaged plastic by region, 2010
- Global mismanaged plastic waste by region, 2025
- Global plastic waste by disposal
- Global plastics production
- Global river plastic input to the ocean by region
- Grocery bag comparisons for greenhouse gas emissions
- How much plastic waste did China import?
- Macroplastics in the surface ocean
- Mean product lifetime of plastic uses
- Microplastics in the surface ocean
- Mismanaged plastic waste
- Mismanaged plastic waste
- Mismanaged plastic waste per capita
- Mismanaged plastic waste per capita vs. GDP per capita
- Mismanaged plastic waste vs. coastal population
- Per capita mismanaged plastic waste
- Per capita plastic waste vs. GDP per capita
- Plastic exports to China by top 10 exporting countries
- Plastic ocean input from top 20 rivers
- Plastic waste emitted to the ocean
- Plastic waste emitted to the ocean per capita
- Plastic waste emitted to the ocean per capita vs. GDP per capita
- Plastic waste generated by coastal populations
- Plastic waste generation
- Plastic waste generation by industrial sector
- Plastic waste generation per person
- Plastic waste littered
- Primary plastic production by industrial sector
- Primary plastic production by polymer type
- Primary plastic waste generation by polymer
- Probability of mismanaged plastic waste being emitted to ocean
- Projected mismanaged plastic waste in 2025
- Projected share of global mismanaged plastic waste in 2025
- Share of cumulative plastic exports by top ten exporters
- Share of global mismanaged plastic waste
- Share of global mismanaged waste
- Share of global plastic waste emitted to the ocean
- Share of ocean plastics that come from the largest emitting rivers
- Share of plastic waste that is inadequately managed
- Surface plastic mass by ocean basin
- Surface plastic particles by ocean basin