Global mismanaged plastic by region, 2010
This is measured as the total mismanaged waste by populations within 50km of the coastline, and therefore defined as high risk of entering the oceans. Mismanaged
plastic waste is defined as "plastic that is either littered or inadequately disposed. Inadequately disposed waste is not formally managed and includes disposal in
dumps or open, uncontrolled landfills, where it is not fully contained. Mismanaged waste could eventually enter the ocean via inland waterways, wastewater outflows,
and transport by wind or tides."
All our related research and data
- Cumulative displaced plastic waste as a result of Chinese import ban
- Cumulative global plastics production
- Cumulative plastic exports by top ten exporters
- Cumulative recycled plastic export value by top ten exporters
- Decomposition rates of marine debris items
- Extrapolated change in plastic fate to 2050
- Global mismanaged plastic waste by region, 2025
- Global plastic waste by disposal
- Global plastics production
- Global river plastic input to the ocean by region
- Grocery bag comparisons for greenhouse gas emissions
- Grocery bag comparisons of environmental impact
- How much plastic waste did China import?
- Macroplastics in the surface ocean
- Mean product lifetime of plastic uses
- Microplastics in the surface ocean
- Mismanaged plastic waste
- Mismanaged plastic waste
- Mismanaged plastic waste per capita
- Mismanaged plastic waste per capita vs. GDP per capita
- Mismanaged plastic waste vs. coastal population
- Per capita mismanaged plastic waste
- Per capita plastic waste vs. GDP per capita
- Plastic exports to China by top 10 exporting countries
- Plastic ocean input from top 20 rivers
- Plastic waste emitted to the ocean
- Plastic waste emitted to the ocean per capita
- Plastic waste emitted to the ocean per capita vs. GDP per capita
- Plastic waste generated by coastal populations
- Plastic waste generation
- Plastic waste generation by industrial sector
- Plastic waste generation per person
- Plastic waste littered
- Primary plastic production by industrial sector
- Primary plastic production by polymer type
- Primary plastic waste generation by polymer
- Probability of mismanaged plastic waste being emitted to ocean
- Projected mismanaged plastic waste in 2025
- Projected share of global mismanaged plastic waste in 2025
- Share of cumulative plastic exports by top ten exporters
- Share of global mismanaged plastic waste
- Share of global mismanaged waste
- Share of global plastic waste emitted to the ocean
- Share of ocean plastics that come from the largest emitting rivers
- Share of plastic waste that is inadequately managed
- Surface plastic mass by ocean basin
- Surface plastic particles by ocean basin