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- Average OECD non-tertiary education expenditure by source of funding
- Average learning outcomes vs GDP per capita
- Average years of schooling
- Average years of schooling for men
- Average years of schooling for women
- Child mortality vs. women's average years of schooling
- Children in school: administrative vs household survey data
- Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education
- Duration of compulsory education
- Education in the past vs democracy today
- Existence of nationally representative learning assessment at the end of primary education
- Gender ratios for mean years of schooling
- Girls of primary school age who are out-of-school, by world region
- Gross enrollment ratio in primary education
- Gross enrollment ratio in secondary education
- Learning outcomes, minimum vs advanced achievement
- Literacy rate by country
- Literate and illiterate world population
- Mean years of schooling
- National average learning outcomes
- National average learning outcomes, 1985 vs 2015
- Net attendance rate of primary school
- Number of out-of-school children
- Number of people aged 15+ with no education (in millions) by continent
- Official entrance age to compulsory education
- Out-of-school children of primary school age by world region
- Participation time in study per day
- Political regime vs. Mean years of schooling
- Population breakdown by highest level of education achieved for those aged 15+
- Primary school enrolment
- Projected female population (15+) by highest educational attainment
- Public education expenditure as share of GDP
- School life expectancy
- Share of population, 15 years and older, with no education
- Share of students achieving advanced learning outcomes
- Share of students achieving intermediate learning outcomes
- Share of students achieving minimum learning outcomes
- Share of the population with a completed post-secondary education
- Share of the population with at least some secondary education
- Share of the population with no formal education, projections by IIASA
- Share of the population with secondary education, but no tertiary education
- Share of the world population older than 15 years with at least basic education
- The share of children in primary school age who are in school
- Time spent in study per day
- Total government expenditure on education