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View our work on COVID-19 vaccinationsDistribution of population between different poverty thresholds, World
Poverty thresholds are all in 'international dollars' at constant 2011 PPP prices. This means all figures account for cross-country differences in price levels, as well as
for inflation.
All our related research and data
- Global Extreme Poverty
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- No matter what extreme poverty line you choose, the share of people below that poverty line has declined globally
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- Comparison of extreme poverty estimates, Povcal vs Bradshaw & Mayhew (2011)
- Data deprivation: number of poverty surveys per decade available via the World Bank
- Disposable household income: The income cutoff to the poorest decile vs Mean income
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholds2021 Povcal data
- Extreme poverty rate vs. poverty gap
- GDP per capitaWorld Bank (since 1990)
- GDP per capita in international and market dollars
- How does the international poverty line compare to multidimensional poverty?
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- National poverty lines vs. GDP per capita
- Population in non-rich countries by per capita household income
- Population living in extreme poverty
- Poverty gap index at 1.90 int.-$ per day
- Poverty headcount ratio (Povcal vs. WDI)
- Poverty vs. Life expectancy
- Poverty vs. educational attainment
- Poverty: Share living on less than 3.20 int.-$ per day
- Projected number of people in extreme poverty, by regionCrespo-Cuaresma et al. (2015 to 2030)
- Projected share of the population in extreme poverty
- Reconstruction of historical global extreme poverty rates
- Share in poverty relative to different poverty thresholds
- Share of global population living in extreme poverty including and excluding China
- Share of people living in extreme povertyEuropean countries (Bradshaw and Mayhew, 2011)
- Share of population in extreme poverty
- Share of population living in multidimensional poverty
- Share of population living under different poverty thresholds
- Share of population living with less than 1.90$ and 3.20$ per day
- The global poverty gap, in international-$
- The poverty gap, in international-$
- The share of people living in extreme poverty vs GDP per capita
- The share of people living in extreme poverty, high-income countries
- Total number of people in extreme poverty
- Total population living in extreme poverty by world regionPovcalNet, World Bank (1987 to 2013)
- World population living in extreme povertyWB & Bourguignon and Morrisson (Absolute; 1820-2015)
- Yearly cost of closing the global poverty gap (million int-$)